Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Where Hope Glows...

Into the fold I go
My very own darkness
One I call my own
Sink deeper into the pit
And drown my sorrow

Unto the surface
Raise up my arms
And twist and tumble
Thrash and fumble

The sunlight shimmers
Towards the surface
I row
And I row

Into the shining light
The sweet warmth of the Sun
The salty water and the sweet air
Fill my soul

And so I row
Towards the island
My promised land
Guided by the Rainbow
Where hope glows
-Sushant Waghmare

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Words have power. When you write something down, it becomes tangible. It gives shape to your thoughts, expresses your emotions and gives form to your dreams.

Words, when put to paper, give credence to your desires. And soon they take start taking a shape on their own. They have character too, you know.

A light, guiding you through the mists of confusion. A signpost directing your energies towards something unsaid in your heart. A friend in your most desperate of times.

When you reach a certain point in your life, loneliness does find you. This is perhaps the most inexplicable kind of emotion you ever experience. One that every one of us will.

The colleagues that support you. The friends that you surround you. The family that holds you. They all fail. And you feel a crushing weight on your shoulders. A tremble in your knees. A shortening of breath. Inexplicable loneliness.

That's when they start to flow. The words. They burst through the the seams of your despair. An onslaught of emotion. A barrage of sentiments.

Unbeknownst to you, you pick up a pen. You start typing on your keyboard. And the stream starts getting stronger. Leaving the coarse skin of your tired bones, moistening the papyrus of your withering soul. They flow.

Words have power. And your words especially so. For they are the window to your soul. Letting go the darkness and welcoming the light. A burning crescendo of delight, deference, destitution, disruption, dissonance and discourse. They express. Everything.

I urge you. Let them flow. I urge you. Let the stream turn into a river. I urge you. Do not let rationalism, conformism or the various systems curb you or your words.

Elaborate the confusion. Express the condescension. Note down the derision. Delineate from the discussions of your mind.

Render yourself vulnerable to the expression. Reave the gates of your heart and let flow. Reminisce in the innocence of your 'Once upon a time'. And let the words encompass the emotion of your soul.

Maybe. Just maybe.

They might be the beacon for someone else. They might be the lifeboat for some drowning soul. They might be the balm that a grieving heart needs. They might just be the voice of the meek. Or perhaps courage for those cowering in fear.

Let them take form. Let them take shape. Do not direct. Do not divert. Just express. Just let go.

And let them flow.